Susan specializes in:
- Vocational Counselling and Rehabilitation
- Transferable Skills Analysis
- Labour Market Surveys
- Job Search
- Volunteer/Work Placements

“After working in business communication for years, I wanted to do something more personal – help individuals grow and achieve things they did not think were possible. Now being in Vocational Counselling and Rehabilitation for over 11 years, it is still so satisfying to see people succeed. And it’s not always easy. Some have taken a real hit to their self esteem and identity. Asking the right questions, listening actively, and relating to some of my own experiences, helps establish rapport and trust, which leads to exploring transferable interests and skill sets. Whether for the defense or plaintiff, realistic, objective and defensible options are always the end result.
On the personal side, my partner and I would love to travel to the east coast of Canada. Newfoundland is one of those places that just seems to be calling us !”

- Diploma in Career Development.
- Registered Community Support Specialist
- Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada
- Career Development Practitioner Diploma Conestoga College, Kitchener
Areas of Practice
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Orthopaedics
- Chronic Pain
- Musculoskeletal/Soft Tissue

I didn’t think I was capable of adapting to this, but you’ve helped me realize that I can do it. Thank you!”