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Gareth Smit

R.Kin, B.Sc. (Kin), CCLCP, CVRP, RRP

(26+ years’ experience)


Gareth specializes in:

  • Future Care Costing/Life Care Planning
  • Vocational Assessments
  • Qualified Expert Witness

I’m naturally a detail-oriented person, which can be very useful in this line of work.  Identifying relevant facts from a person’s documented and stated history; asking appropriate questions to fill in gaps in available information; and preparing a narrative that is instructional and defensible is a satisfying process.”  

On the personal side, “I am an avid cyclist who enjoys riding in a variety of settings from open country roads to single track woodland trails.”

519.660.3639 |


  • Registered Kinesiologist
  • Canadian Certified Life Care Planner
  • Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Professional
  • Registered Rehabilitation Professional


  • Bachelor of Science, Honours Kinesiology University of Waterloo, Ontario

Areas of Practice

  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Amputation
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Paediatrics
  • Psychological
  • Orthopaedic
  • Chronic Pain

“Your report was very comprehensive and helpful in coming to a resolution in the case.”
